Follow Rihanna to the Garden’s of Dior

It’s such a big deal. For me, for my culture; for a lot of young girls of any color. I think, to be acknowledged by Dior is just, it means a lot as a woman to feel beautiful, and elegant, and timeless.

– Rihanna

Rihanna proves the world why she was chosen to be the face of Dior in March this year in the full version of the brand’s campaign film. Being an idol and an inspiration for many people around the world, this 27 years old icon shines as a queen like character in  fourth chapter of the Secret Garden Saga.

She is fierce, the power just radiates of her as she walks in beauty trough the Salons of the Gods. Or when she suddenly runs through the Hall of Mirrors with the red veil fluttering behind her; all while we listen to the sound of her heels on the wooden floor and her new song Night from upcoming #R8 album. Rihanna also transforms into almost ethereal being as she dances in the gardens.

This dramatic, eerie story takes place at night and all the dim light makes this film simply magical. The fabulous clothing contrasts perfectly with the magnificence of the palace. And Rihanna struts as if she was born to be the Dior girl, born to be the Queen of the Night taking over the palace of the Sun King.

Would you follow her and catch a glimpse of this dark fairytale?

Znamená to tolik. Pro me, pro mou kulturu; pro plno mladých dívek jakékoliv barvy. Myslím, ze uznání od Diora je strasne.., znamená to tolik aby si zena pripadala nádherná, elegantní a nadcasová.

– Rihanna

Rihanna dokázala svetu, proc se stala tvárí celosvetove uznáváného modního domu Dior letos v Breznu. Idol a inpsirace pro mnoho lidí po celém svete, tato sedmadvacetiletá ikona zazárila vypadající jako královna ve ctvrté kapitole Secret Garden ságy.

Je divoká, v kazdém okamziku z ní sálá síla. Kdyz se prochází Salónem Bohu, nebo kdyz utíká skrze Zrcadlový Sál zatímco za ní vlaje rudý závoj a vse za zvuku jejích podpadku na drevené podlaze a písne Night z nadcházející alba #R8. Rihanna se také promení v témer étherickou bytost, kdyz tancí v záberech z Versaillských zahrad.

Tento dramatický, tajuplný az témer prízracný krátký film se odehravá v noci a to dodává této kampani nádeh mysticna. Zároven skvostne a precizne sité saty kontrastují dokonale s velkolepostí Versaille. Kde se Rihanna nese jako by byla dávno predurcená stát se Dívkou Dior, Královnou Noci a prevzít vládu v paláci Krále Slunce.

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